Dropshipping Success Guide: Building Your E-Commerce Store

In our Dropshipping Success Guide we lay out all the steps to setting up your dropshipping business. In the last post of the series, we explored how you can easily find reliable suppliers and curate your product catalog. Building your e-commerce store is a next crucial step in launching a successful dropshipping business. This guide will walk you through the essential elements needed to create an effective and appealing e-commerce store that attracts customers and drives sales.

Choosing the right e-commerce platform

Selecting the right e-commerce platform to host your webshop is vital, as it is something you’ll be using everyday for your work. It needs to be intuitive, simple, and able to fulfill your business needs. In the dropshipping business, it’s important that the platform can be integrated with other systems, and ideally, you look at making this integration as easy and automatic as possible. Popular platform options include Shopify and WooCommerce. At Dropshipping by Orderchamp, we also have a direct integration with Magento, Lightspeed, and Shopware. Consider the following factors when choosing a platform:

  • Ease of use - You will be using this platform for your entire e-commerce process, from uploading product imagery and data to creating a seamless experience for your buyers. It is therefore essential to find a platform that is user-friendly and easy to navigate for you and your team.
  • Customization - While this element is dependent on your business, it is ideal to remain flexible and look for platforms that offer a variety of templates and customization options. This includes adding your own branding, discounting, and offering package deals.
  • Integration - Ensure the platform integrates seamlessly with the tools you may need for your business (such as dropshipping, accounting, payments, and shipping). 
  • Scalability - It can take considerable resources and effort to switch e-commerce platforms, so it will save you a lot of time and money to choose a platform that can grow with your business from the start. 

Unsure which one is right for you? Most platforms offer a 30-day free trial, perfect for exploring usability and features. There are also many resources online to help you compare them to decide which one is right for you. 

Designing a professional and user-friendly website

After deciding which platform to use, it’s time to get creative and start designing the look and feel of your website. Begin with your branding and colors in mind, and think about how someone interacts with your website and what you prefer when shopping online. Here are a few important elements to keep in mind:

  • Clean layout - Keeping your design clean and uncluttered can enhance user experience, making everything clear and easy to find. This can improve the flow of your website, increasing the chances of converting traffic into buyers. 
  • Mobile responsiveness - Nowadays, most people will browse and shop on their mobile phones, making it essential to design a mobile-friendly website. Many also decide to design their website mobile-first, to ensure full functionality for mobile users. This means considering things like whether your text is large enough to read on a smaller screen, whether buttons are big enough to be easily tapped with a finger, etc.
  • High quality images - High quality and inspirational images can help sell your products. Use large images to grab users’ attention while promoting your business. Ensure these images are inspirational and tempt visitors to explore  your platform. 
  • Fast loading speed - Ensure your website and pages load quickly, as slow loading speeds can deter customers. Pay attention to the sizes of images and videos you upload, as well as any elements that may affect your website speed. It’s recommended to run your images through an online image compressor first to ensure that the file size is as small as can be without compromising the image resolution. Don’t forget to add alt text to your images for SEO and screen readers!
  • Custom images - If possible, add some of your own product photos or edit the supplier’s images to adhere more closely to the brand identity you have for your business.

Looking for inspiration? Browse through your favorite webshops or explore Shopify templates, which can be incredibly useful even if you don’t end up using Shopify as your chosen e-commerce platform.

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Shopify templates

Optimizing your product pages

One of the most important places to optimize is your product listings, as this can make or break a purchase decision. Unlike the inspirational images used elsewhere on your website, product images should be as clean and clear as possible. Focus on the following elements:

  • High-resolution and clean images - Although they may be less exciting, product images with a white or gray background are often most effective in showing what a product truly looks like, including all its features. Consider adding images with different angles, and potentially a person using the product to show how it functions within a specific context.
  • Compelling descriptions - Strong product descriptions are key to the sell-through rate of your products. Use this space to highlight a product’s features, benefits, and unique selling points. When dropshipping, you’re likely to take over the product descriptions your supplier has. Customize these supplier descriptions to fit your branding better and stick out from the competition.
  • Include customer reviews - While reviews can be tricky to collect, social proof can significantly influence purchasing decisions. Consider giving customers an incentive to add a review about the product they bought. This can help attract orders from future customers and validate your business, building trust.

Upfront, a sports nutrition brand, has been making headlines with their impeccable product photography and engaging product pages. They have seamlessly integrated reviews, detailed product information, and stunning imagery to create a visually appealing and informative product page. While some of the features used by Upfront might not be fully applicable to a dropshipping business, browsing through their website can provide valuable inspiration.


Upfront's product page


Optimizing user experience

A big element of online shops is the navigation and the flow you create for your visitors. A strong user interface can enhance a shopper’s experience, thereby increasing the likelihood of converting visitors into buyers. Here are some key elements to consider:

  • Layout - Design an engaging and inspiring layout for your customers. Use large images, mixed with product displays and brand information, to create an inviting page that encourages visitors to explore further. The layout is also crucial in establishing and reinforcing your brand identity. Make sure that your image and text descriptions are supporting each other in creating a concise story.
  • Navigation - Consider the most logical way for users to navigate your website. Decide whether a sticky navigation bar, dropdown menus, or a combination of both is more suitable. Additionally, think of other navigational tools, such as implementing recommended products on a product listing page, which can significantly enhance customer experience. A/B testing these features with potential customers can provide valuable insights into how they navigate your site, and help you make informed, data-driven decisions.
  • Product categories and collections - Organize your products in the most logical and intuitive way for your users and create collections that cater to their interests. Depending on your market, consider all relevant categories and subcategories your users might search for, making it easy for customers to find products. Additionally, create temporary and curated collections that align with certain seasonal occasions or provide inspiration, making it easier for customers to shop and discover relevant new items.


Example of UI/UX design


Setting up payment and shipping options 

This final step is crucial to ensure you don’t lose customers during the checkout process. To minimize this risk, offer the most convenient local payment methods and streamline your shipping options.

  • Payment options - Research the preferred payment methods for the regions you’re targeting. Ensure you offer these options to cater to your customers’ preferences. Additionally, pay attention to the transaction fees associated with each method to avoid excessive costs that could impact your profitability.
  • Shipping options - Shipping can be less flexible in dropshipping, as you typically rely on the options provided by your supplier. In most cases, this involves a standard shipping method with a fixed fee. Clearly communicate delivery times and, if possible, the shipping partners involved. Setting realistic expectations helps build trust and satisfaction among your customers.


Now that we have gone through all these steps, you should have the basic layout for your e-commerce shop! By choosing the right platform, designing an attractive website, optimizing your product pages, and setting up your checkout, you can create the base of a successful online store that drives sales and complements your dropshipping business. Take your time with this process to ensure your webshop communicates exactly what you want to convey with your brand. E-commerce platforms simplify many details, so explore all the possibilities with your chosen platform.

Connecting to Dropshipping by Orderchamp can further enhance your store’s potential by offering seamless access to a curated selection of high-quality products from established brands. This all-in-one solution simplifies product synchronization, allowing you to focus on growing your business. Explore Orderchamp’s dropshipping marketplace to browse through popular brands and products that you can connect to your webshop.

After building your e-commerce store, it’s time to let people know and start selling your products. Stay tuned for the next post in our Dropshipping Success Guide series to learn more about marketing your webshop! Curious about our last post in the series? You can find it here.

Start your dropshipping journey with
Orderchamp today

Our seamless platform, premium brands, fast delivery and automated processes will revolutionise your wholesale experience.


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